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One Response to “IMG_0410”

  1. In Quebec Province the muskrat are more cautious about creating their homes with reeds above the waterline. They are more content in domiciling with beavers in their lodges. I know this to be true because at low water in Summer I entered a beaver lodge with Camera and Light. When you surface into the lodge the beaver and muskrat “grind their teeth” to show their displeasure at your presence. The lodge typically smells of beaver unction. I obtained some pretty good footage which originally was given to a friend of mine, Mr. Ron Pittaway, of Ottawa, Ontario. Ron is an Ornithologist and his father owned a camera shop which lent itself well to my habit of locating and filming Great Horned Owls, Great Great Gray Owls, Snowy Owls, Pileated Woodpeckers and other assorted birds and crittters. What interests me about this painting is the Indian (probably Cree) in the background with “des mitaines” secured with braided moose rope so as not to lose them. In the middle of D’hiver it was critical to maintain control of your mitts. The alternative was severe frostbite. Bon Chance!

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